Market Day


Xela´s Democracia

Guatemala’s highlands abound with thriving marketplaces. However, here I present a group of photos solely of Xela´s market, La Democracia. Xela is Guatenala´s third largest city and therefore its market bustles every day of the week. Likewise, I know most of the vendors.They come from the Boca Costa of Quetzaltenango with their bananas, plantains, pacaya, and papaya. Also, others bring fruit from towns of the Southern Coast.

Women from Zunil and Almolonga (the mecca of the vegetable) travel the short distance to Xela to sell vegetables of amazing proportion. Others from small communities within Xela bring vegetables of smaller size but of fresher quality. Flower women from Las Majadas travel early. Meanwhile, fish mongers are en route from Champerico. Despite the fact that the buses they board are woefully over-crowded, they mostly arrive in good spirits.

Most present speak k’iche’. However, the group is diverse. For instance, the butchers are mam speakers from San Juan Ostuncalaco. So too are the ladies selling potatoes from Concepción Chiquirichapa. Also, wandering saleswomen from Chichicastenango and Alta Verapaz arrive to sell used blouses from their regions. Likewise, from El Quiché come candy vendors from Sacapulas and peanut vendors from San Pedro Jocopilas.