Custom and Ceremony
No place exceeds highland Guatemala for pageantry. The religious calendar peaks at Semana Santa (Holy Week), when virtually every town in the republic is ablaze with color; and its skies and air waves, barraged by pyrotechnics. Almost any week, however, some town in the area celebrates its fair. The highlight of any town´s fair is the feast day of the patron saint and the religious procession in his honor. However, fairs have a secular side too. Religious fairs last typically a week, less in small places. However, the food vendors, game tents, and carnival rides, featuring the Rueda de Chicago (Ferris-Wheel), may remain for a few weeks.
Election of Indigenous Queen
Also, associated with most fairs, is the election and coronation of the town`s indigenous queen. Beauty is not a criterion for her selection, however. Rather, character, community service, knowledge of Maya culture and the Catholic religion, proficiency in one`s native dialect, and oratorical skill are the bases upon which she will be chosen. The coronation is a real spectacle. Young exotic queens from throughout the nation arrive to bid farewell to the exiting indigenous queen, and also to usher in the reign of the new.
There are astonishing beauties in attendance attired in the most intricately-designed and vividly-colored ceremonial clothing their towns can produce. Elaborate headpieces and crowns carved from wood adorn their splendid, radiant faces. Huipiles requiring months of labor by skilled weavers hang to below their knees. Banners draped across their breasts identify their pueblos and their titles. Swaying rhythmically to the son Rey de Quiché, they dance tirelessly into the night with a grace becoming divas. They are a credit to their towns and a source of pride to the nation. Moreover, they preserve the Maya culture.
Music and Dance
Music and dance are central to Maya festivals. Chirimiya and tambor (flute and drum) lead the processions. Small brass bands follow along. Marimba accompanies the dance steps.The Dance of the Mexicans and the Dance of the Negritos share the theme of drunkenness.The Dance of the Negritos has nothing to do with racial denigration, however. The Dance of the Little Bulls (toritos) portrays the bullfight. In addition, there are various other folkloric dances: the Dance of the Giants, the Dance of the Deer, and the Dance of the Monkeys, to name a few. There are also dances with fire and pyrotechnics .
Dance of the Conquest
The Dance of the Conquest relates the epic tale of the Conquest of Guatemala by Pedro de Alvarado and his rag-tag mob of coarse ignorant Estremadura sailors. Gringos today reinvent themselves in Guatemala. Likewise, the Conquistadors elevated themselves to the status of hidalgos (sons of someone) in the New World. The conquistadors sport long-bearded white masks. However, when they raise those masks, they reveal dark brown faces, angular noses, and almond-shaped eyes. Dark-skinned women in bright ceremonial huipiles, with thick black hair cascading over their shoulders and hips accompany the conquistadors in the processions, These women also walk hand-in-hand with their toddler sons, also dressed as conquistadors (called Moors)..Thus, as a sideline to the Dance of the Conquista, is told the story of the birth of the mestizo.
The Convites
In addition to the traditional dances is the rather absurd Dance of the Convites, also known as Dance of the Disguises. Dressed in costumes which appear to have been made in Hong Kong, a plethora of personalities abound. Vikings, barbarians, pre-Republican Chinamen, and cavemen with bones through their noses dance along with members of the rock group Kiss. Tweety Bird does the two-step with Sylvester the Cat. Alongside, Rev. Al Sharpton bops with boxing promoter Don King. Michael Jackson moonwalks alone. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton and George Bush slow-jam together, locked in a languid and tender embrace.
Sense of Community
The reason I walk with the Catholics has nothing to do with religion, however. It`s that they speak to me and greet me. They ask me how I`m doing. When I arrive at their activities, they treat me as an honored guest. They invite me to partake of ceremonial dishes and drink, and pat me on the shoulder. Thus the Catholics provide me with an unconditional sense of community without requiring that I believe as they do.
Alcalde of the Cofradía of Santa Cruz, Good Friday, Panajachel. However, during the week he drives tuc tuc (moto-taxi).
El Shutio, Saturday of Holy Week, San Andrés Semetabaj
Here the men battle with Judas (jude), but, in this case , he is Jude Iscariot, not Jude Apostle.
Marìa del Carmen, May 3rd, borne aloft in the Fair of Santa Elena de la Cruz, Tzununá, Santa Cruz la Laguna.
Alfonso always accompanied the musicians in religious activities in Panajachell, but he’s dead now, hit by a bus. Here he is in the Fiesta of San Isidro, May 15th.
The chrimiya and tambor players are from Xajaxacj, but the fiesta is in San Antonio Palopó (May 13th).
Dressed as a woman for the Dance of the negritos, Corpus Cristi (Body of Christ) Panajachel, but Trinidad and most of the others are men.
In the celebration of Corpus Cristi in Panajachel there are outfits from all over Guatemala. In this photo, however, everyone appears to be from Santiago Atitlán.
I’m not sure what’s going on here. However, it looks like a turf war for the bench between the men of Santa Clara and the musicians of Santa Catarina’s hotlands in the Fair of Santa Clara la Laguna, Aug. 12th.
Guicho (chirimiya) and Catarino (tambor) lead the procession in the f air of San Bartolo, Aug. 24th, Barrio San Bartolo, Sololá.
At the left a Mexican leers at the Maruca (María), while her husband, the Patrón (boss) looks suspiciously on. However, La Maruca just wants to have fun in the Fair of Monte Mercedes, September, 24th ( also celebrated September 8th).
Jabel Kotzik (Flor del Pueblo with the Dance of the Mexicans in the Fair of San Francisco, Oct. 4th, Panajachel
The indigenous side in the Dance of the Conquest in the Fair of Panajachel. However, the one dressed with feathers is Lacondón and accompanied the Spaniards.
Guicho and Catarino again, but this time closer to home in the Fiesta of María del Rosario, Oct. 7th, Santa María, Aldea El Tablón, Sololá
Tambor player from San Jorge la Laguna in the Fair of San Lucas, Oct. 18th. Soon afterwards, Marcelo died.,
Leader of the Mexican dance group Jorge Pérez with live snake Pascual in the Fair of San Lucas Tolimán. Jorge died a few years ago, but Pascual lives on.
This image of Rilaj Mam is in the cofradía de las Ánimas in San Lucas Tolimán, but the Maya priest is from Santiago.
Day of the Dead, Nov. 2nd, San Antonio Palopó
I took this photo in 2010 less than six months after a mud-slide buried this young woman´s sister, brother-in-law, and two nephews during Tropical storm Agatha (May 29th,). Likewise, a larger mud-slide interred 16 others,. However,look at Rosa´s smile.